
Saturday 23 February 2013

Recommend to 'click' and 'look at' ^^

(this post will be 90% in Malay ^^)


Lawakan body diorang... korang teringin x nk jadi cantek macam diorang..??
kalau korang tanya aq, mmg da sah2 aq jawab nak... hehee~

main point kat cini.., aq nk promote blog ni..
blog ni citer pasal hal2 diet, fitness, physical activities and so on..
so, visit la eh~~ hehe..

Sunday 10 February 2013


My stuff... ^^

Monday 4 February 2013

My notes~

Initially, I want to post only cartooned k-pop..
but, since k-pop also my favorite stuff.,
so i decide to write a post together with cartooned k-pop..

ohh~ btw.. all the cartoon photo that I post here totally not my own artwork..
I got it from internet..
credit to those who draw it...
Soon, when I got free time.. I'll draw it my own....


YongSeo couple

Another WGM Couple...
YongSeo Couple/ Guguma Couple...
Jung YongHwa ( CN Blue) + SeoHyun (SNSD)
Yonghwa sooo~ sweet.. this is my first WGM couple that I like...
who can resist this cute Yong choding..
even Seohyun can't.. how can I... X3

JoonSeo Couple

JoonSeo Couple..
LeeJoon (MBLAQ) and YeonSeo
I just finish watching their last episode on WGM.. =(
pretty short.. i was wondering why they need to end them so fast?
is it because Lee Joon too busy lately..?
or because of YeonSeo's rumor..? (about she being in relationship with Jangwoo)
what do you think...?? 

Super Junior

If you don't know SuperJunior (SuJu).. that's means you're still new in k-pop world..
SuJu was the first k-pop group that I know..
I'd googled everything about them.. (well~ maybe not all)
I love HeeChul & EunHyuk.. <3
I have no idea why people keep saying that EunHyuk rank last based on look..
He's soooo~ good looking to me.. 
if I have to rank them based on look, EunHyuk probably 4th..^^
who's the top 3.? I'm sure you'll be able to guest already.. hehe~